stepping up for children everywhere

What is BarnRaisers?

BarnRaisers is a 100% volunteer organization with no paid employees or office space. Our only annual overhead includes a PO Box, Tax Filing Fees, and other minor admin expenses).  Over 99% of net proceeds from BarnRaiser events are donated to our charity partners.  

BarnRaisers serves as a conduit to raise and deliver funding to established and grassroots organizations doing hands-on work improving the lives of children and young adults.   In the truest since of the “Hoosier Barn Raising Spirit”, our team brings together people of various ages, different backgrounds, and a wide variety of talents to share in the common goal of improving the lives of children and vulnerable young adults.   We believe all young people deserve an opportunity to pursue their dreams!

Our Mission

Our mission is to help address a variety of children’s issues both locally and globally. We raise and distribute gifts from $1000 to $50,000.    BarnRaisers provides support to vetted and trusted non-profit partners who are working on sustainable projects focused on improving the health and quality of life for under-privileged and deserving children. We also provide support for young adults who might be dealing physical or mental challenges.

Our Story

In early 2011, Pat Chittenden and Scott Rigney met to discuss how they could have a more meaningful and positive impact on the world.    That meeting went on for several hours and both went away determined to make a difference in kids’ lives here in Central Indiana (and beyond).   Soon after the initial meeting they began recruiting friends and business contacts to plan and execute a charity golf outing.   With help from many early board members and a seed money donation of $15,000 from an anonymous Indianapolis business leader, by early 2012, BarnRaisers of Indiana was an officially recognized non-profit 501(c)3 charity.  

The inaugural BarnRaisers Golf Invitational raised approximately $50,000 and the organization was off and running.

The BarnRaisers Impact

Since 2012, BarnRaisers has raised and donated in excess of $1.2M dollars to over 50 local charities and to several orphanages, schools, and NGO's around the globe.


BarnRaisers is currently guided by Board Chair Pat Chittenden (Patch Development) and daily activities are managed by President Brian Case (Retired - One America).  In total, there are 15 Directors on the BR Board.   Each Director is committed to making a difference in kids lives by volunteering their time, talent, and financial support to the BarnRaisers cause.

2024 BarnRaiser Board Members and Key Volunteers (not pictured Lu Strom, Ryan Horn, Jeff Mosley, Molly Jones)

As the saying goes: "It takes a village" and we need you!

On behalf of the BarnRaiser Board and all our charity partners, we want to thank the generous individuals and companies that have supported our fundraising efforts. Without them, we would be unable to fulfill the BarnRaisers mission.

We invite you to share in the mission by donating, volunteering, or attending one of our three annual events (Spring Bingo Party, BarnRaiser Golf Invitational, or Fall HabelFest BBQ family event).

Current BR Board Members

Director of Sales

Scott Rigney

Director of Sales

Pat Chittenden

Director of Sales

Ken McKnight

Director of Sales

Brian Case

Director of Sales

Lucianna Strom

Director of Sales

Jess Rusnak

Director of Sales

Bill Wixom

Director of Sales

Mike Sheek

Director of Sales

Jeff Mosley

Director of Sales

James Belange

Director of Sales

Joe Zielinski

Director of Sales

Eric Selvidge

Director of Sales

Ryan Horn

Director of Sales

Avery Boxell

Molly Jones

Our Vission Image

Why We Give

Our Vision

Worry Ends When Faith Begins. The Magnificent Story of a Life-Changing Journey to God. Some phrases carry such strong comfort, such enduring consolation, that they ought to be engraved on the walls of the heart.

Right Arrow Dark

Find people to do life with

Right Arrow Dark

Break free from the pain of their past

Right Arrow Dark

Thrive in their marriage

what we are focussed

Our Mission

We are committed to becoming a multi-generational, multi-ethnic, multiplying movement of Christ followers, empowering our kids and students to not only be the church of tomorrow, but the church of today.

  1. Become a better parent
  2. Experience financial freedom
  3. Learn how to make a difference
  4. Grow in your relationships
Our Mission Image

Contact Us

Get Blessed With Us

Thank you to all the faithful god lovers. You'll have motivation to keep my love for god is alive. Leave a mail & keep in touch with us.

Location Image

88 street,brooklyn, USA

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